New project, new team, new website

INDEFI team (from left to right): Saara Pellander, Jaana Palander, Eveliina Lyytinen and Zeinab Karimi.

INDEFI team (from left to right): Saara Pellander, Jaana Palander, Eveliina Lyytinen and Zeinab Karimi.

In November 2021, the INDEFI project held its first internal kick-off meeting to discuss the overall objectives and plan the next steps that lie ahead. A big thank you goes to the whole team of talented researchers that made their way to the Migration Institute of Finland (Turku), it was so nice to actually meet in person after having worked remotely for so long. It was important to discuss the operational framework, how and with whom we will collaborate, and plan the different phases the project will go through. We also agreed on a logo and the design of our new website, which we will launch at the beginning of 2022 – for both of these, we want to thank Gabriel Olegário for all his help and invaluable input.

Our project will examine how immigration control influences the intimate sphere and how the intimate features in immigration control. The project is funded by the Academy of Finland and composed by the researchers Saara Pellander (PI), Jaana Palander, Eveliina Lyytinen, and Zeinab Karimi. We will start with fieldwork and other research activities mid-2022, when the first researcher (Eveliina) with start working. Stay tuned, and click HERE for more information on the INDEFI project.


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